Friday, July 2, 2010

Its July :)

When July comes, Iam someone else or at least I try to :) My birthday is near and Iam getting older each day to reach a complete new year.Last year I wanted to make the whole month special so I saved some money and bought myslef each week some new cloth just to make me feel better as I wasnt in a good mood then.

This year, July came suddenly :) and I wasnt prepared with my "29 to be" birthday plan.
Then the first day has passed and the second day is approaching, I think, how will I make this month so special and how do I define special this year and Iam supose to be more smarter this year. I love shopping and buying stuff but I never buy me cloth to wear except if its my Eid's cloth and I stay all the year searching for my new cloth to be worn during the Eid prayers. This is why last year I thought it would be a good choice to do something, I dont do often.

This year Iam in complete confusion, how will I celebrate my July ?
I want to teach me new virtues, not sure if this is the correct word but I have been wishing to train myself to be a better wife and hopefully a good mom if Iam lucky to have any :)

But Iam lucky coz, praise be to Allah coz I was postponing a certain family meeting but wizout knowing,I took the decision to "Just do it" and invite them over today which was the 1st day in July. This happened last week,I was out of Cairo and I was breathing fresh air so I was put in a brand new mood :)

The journey to my July, this year , is simply trying to walk through my fear,walk and not run which means this may take some time but I will surely complete my marathon even if it seems that the distance to walk is endless.

I hope I can come up wiz 31 learned lessons and maybe even print it out and hang it on my wall, to be my 29th Tito's birthday gift to me .

Lesson#1: Just Do it and Walk through my fear
Lesson#2: It doesnt matter if what you want is terribly belated, just be patient, and once it happens you will feel that you are the most happiest person on earth and that all words to praise GOD for this,will never be enough.
Lesson#3: I make the best Om Ali and I do have my secret ingredient ;)

Still have 28 to go :)


  1. Oooooh! I feel the same way about November. I'd like some of the Om Ali :-)

  2. Will make my next post on how to make the best om Ali :)..Thanks ba3d ma 3andakom :)

  3. what's ur secret ingredient ya sameeha

  4. liked the idea of buying urself clothes as a treat for a whole month, i am so lazy abt buying myself clothes too then get stuck in sudden occasions. i think i'll copy u in august.. the difference is that i already reached my 30th last year which feels a bit awkward but i learnt that i have to get used to it from now on. after all its so good to feel cheerful al7 :)

    waiting for the rest of ur lessons :)

  5. o7'ty el kbeeeera

    hi :)

    ya postatak ya m3lm

    it is july already? it was may few days ago ! but i celebrated differently; by books and i beleive a sister of mine has recieved a book from some brother of hers .. i am speaking generally and of no one in particular ;)

    u know how much i admired your "certain family occasion" .. we YA NAAAAAS .. i had my share and tasted same7a's om ali .. i recomend it for all sweets lovers .. regardless of any chronic disease ;)

    i hope u can come out with some lessons to beat, defeat, and delete depression. i will be so thankful.

    Happy July
    Happy Journey
    Happy Tito

    a7'ooky el so3'anoon

  6. To Mostafa, u made me smile...reading yr comment :)
    @ Anonymous, thank you for yr comment :)
